Rob Freres

Rob Freres

President Freres Lumber, Inc. Steps Taken to Invent Mass Ply Panels and Continuing Innovations at Freres Lumber
Rakesh Govind, Ph.D.

Rakesh Govind, Ph.D.

President PRD Tech, Inc. Microemulsion Assisted Biotreatment of VOCs in Exhaust Gases
Wedig Graf Grote

Wedig Graf Grote

Chief Operating Officer Swiss Krono USA, Inc. Establishing an Integrated European MDF mill in the Southeast
John Hargrove

John Hargrove

Partner Bradley What Keeps Your Legal Team Up At Night? Dust and Stuff
Steve Jaasund

Steve Jaasund

Geoenergy Products Manager LDX Solutions LLC. RCOs for Wood Dryer VOC Control—Why Not?